Tuesday 28 April 2015

Rise And Shine...For The Umpteenth Time

Why Is It So Hard To Wake Up For Subuh?

It is customary for an average earthling like myself to wake up early in the morning (which I don't do most of the time). Especially to perform the Subuh prayer. And it is also customary for me and almost everyone else to have troubles getting our arse off the bed.

How come? Why? Huh?

Yeah, the bed is nice and cozy. The warm, soft and soothing embrace from the blanket surpasses even the comfort from a cup of hot espresso in a cold winter morning. And then suddenly, the alarm buzzes off, snapping you back to reality.

Yeah, yeah..I get it. Waking up in the morning (especially early even before the birds get to the worm) isn't easy. And like I always say, "There's always a reason."

So the question to the latter here is: Why is it so hard to wake up for Subuh?

I. Have. No. Idea.

But...Someone else does.

Back in 2012, when I was in first year of med school, a friend of mine (former housemate) once told me about this matter in deference to the question that i imparted beforehand. He asked me, "Do you know why it's so hard to wake up and perform the Subuh prayer?" I answered, "Coz we're half-conscious and still weezy from our deep, snore-induced slumber?"

He simply said:

We're being chained to our beds by non-other than the friendly neighborhood, Spiderman. No, wait. i'm just kidding. It's the demons, of course. Now, now..to all you skeptics out there..I'm referring to the Syaitans..Not the soul possessing, dream-eating, mind-bending, spine-tingling demons that y'all see in the movies. Screw that.

So, basically..Them bad boys chained us to our beds to prevent us from waking up and performing our solat. What was that you ask? You don't see the chains? Of course, you can't see em! I don't mean like a literal steel-embedded chains. OMG. Don't be such a hard-head. They're some sort of magical invisible spiritual chain or whatever. Ok, back to the topic.

So, how do we break these chains? By simply waking up of course. Duhh..Once we wake up and get off the bed, the 1st chain, which is the hardest, will break. Ka-Ching! Just coz we break one chain, doesn't mean we're free. Coz there's a chance we can still resume our sleep.

Then, once we make our way to the bathroom/toilet for our wudhu' or ablution, the 2nd chain breaks. Hold on there, Eager McBeaver. We ain't done yet. We can still fall victim to the bed's calling and return to it's warm embrace. So chill out.

At last, once we are to begin our Subuh prayer that the 3rd and final chain breaks. Ergo, freeing us from the demon's hellish grasp of fortitude. I mean, seriously...you're on the sejadah and about to start your solat. There ain't no way that you're suddenly gonna turn tail and head back to sleep, right? Coz if you do, then you've got issues.

So...yeah, I guess that's pretty much it for my second entry.
I honestly have no idea what I'm supposed to do or say. Maybe it's coz i still find it "not easy" to wake my housemates up in the morning. But hey..the same goes for me. In fact, I'm worse. I sleep like a dead guy that was anaesthetised heavily and also injected with paralytics while already in coma. Oh, and I snore. How loud? You know that sound that an airplane makes when it zooms past you in the nearby horizon? Yeah..like that.

Here's a little something for you to ponder on.

From Al Bara bin 'Azib reported: The Messenger of Allah said, "When you go to sleep, perform your wudhu' beforehand like you're about to pray. Then lie down on your right ribs, then pray:
"O Allah, I have subjected my face in front of you. I leave it all to you. I surrendered myself to you with great anticipation (with your reward) and fear your punishments. There is no place of refuge and a place to escape but to you. I believe with thy book which thou hast revealed to the Prophet and you are sent)." And do not say any more after that. If you die that night, and then you die in a state of fitrah (pure).

When you woke up not remembering what happened yesterday.

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