Wednesday 22 April 2015

How Did I End Up Here?

The Beginning of a Journey...(ugh, so cheesy)



So..err..I just created a blog. Yeah. And this is my first post. Err..yayy?
I thought about blogging way back when I was 15, though it cease-fired.
It just seems that I haven't the desire to actually do it back then.
Commitment issues perhaps. Well..I was a young, dumb, angsty teen. What d'you expect?

Ergo, the question is..How did I ended up here anyway?
Honestly, I have no idea. It just came to me and I thought, "Why the heck not?"

So, here I am, posting in my blog for the very first time, in the middle of the night, at 2 am.
Geez, I wonder what's next.

Err..I'm obviously clueless on what should I do next.
Usually people blog about their lives. Some talk about others. Some talk about music, food, animals, educational stuff, etc.

Thus, in which category or niche should I concede to? What kind of theme am I trying to convey?
I guess I'll have to find out myself then. Let's just hope I don't succumb to weird and nasty things and starts posting crap about..well..u know..CRAP.. (pardon the language)

Anyway, I'd like to give my teeny tiny speck of appreciation to my fellow housemate, Ubai or better known as Kataubaid, the world-famous blogger who talks about..err..things..

So..err..thanks Ubai..For what? For no reason. Duhh...
Maybe the reason I suddenly started this blog is due to my subconscious needs that was reimbursed as I sit by and watch Ubai blogging about his..err..stuff day in and day out. Maybe I reacted instinctively. Or perhaps I'm just blatantly out of my mind. Who knows?

Whoops..It's getting late and I better sleep now (it's already late in the first place). I was expected to turn up at the lectures tomorrow. Wait, I mean today. So I guess this entry ends here then, huh? Thanks for wasting your time reading this thingy. I know..I know..It's not much. But hey..give it time, and soon it'll grow like fungus on leftover breads spread with blue cheese on an alloy tin can sprayed with organophosphate. Emmm..I'm gibbering, am I? Sorry 'bout that. do I end an entry? Don't bloggers usually have their ways of closing a curtain? Coz I have no idea. Clueless newbie blogger in dire needs of help here. LOL...

Emmm...See ya later, alligator?

Pfff...that was so lame. >.<''

Sorry for the lame post. Here's a baby panda to make it up to you. Now deal with it. Ciao...

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